What is Mengkudu?
For Hawaiian, it is known as Noni; for Samoans and Tongans, Nonu; for Tahitians,Nono. In China it is called Ba ji tian, in India, Indian mulberry. in Malaysia, it isMengkudu or Bengkudu. Science has dubbed it Morinda citrifolia. The whiteblossoms of Mengkudu plant, whose evergreen shrubs can reach more than 20 feet in height, developed into a creamy white fruit the size of small potato. While the Mengkudu fruit is occasionally consumed as food, nearly all parts of the Mengkuduplant have been used in herbal presentations for thousands of years throughout Polynesia and other tropical and subtropical regions of the world.
For Hawaiian, it is known as Noni; for Samoans and Tongans, Nonu; for Tahitians,Nono. In China it is called Ba ji tian, in India, Indian mulberry. in Malaysia, it isMengkudu or Bengkudu. Science has dubbed it Morinda citrifolia. The whiteblossoms of Mengkudu plant, whose evergreen shrubs can reach more than 20 feet in height, developed into a creamy white fruit the size of small potato. While the Mengkudu fruit is occasionally consumed as food, nearly all parts of the Mengkuduplant have been used in herbal presentations for thousands of years throughout Polynesia and other tropical and subtropical regions of the world.
The health promoting benefits of Mengkudu have been chronicled for generations among the peoples of the South Pacific, New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, India and the islands of the Carribean. The fruit of Mengkudu plant is treasured throughout Polynesia for its unique health benefits. Traditional Polynesian healers have used the fruit of Mengkudu plant for thousands of years to address a variety of health disorders such as diebetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, poor digestion, bruises, sprains, skin afflictions, menstrual cramps, conditions of aging and many more. It is considered a strong blood purifier and cleanses the body of harmful bacteria.
Mengkudu Healthful Ingredients
Mengkudu healthful ingredients include phytonutrients unique to the plant, as well as selenium, xeronine and its precursor, proxeronine. Phytonutrients nourish the bodys cells, tissues and organs. They also fight free radicals damaged by the aging process, harmful chemicals and pollution. Selenium is a naturally occuring antioxidant. Zeronine, a relatively small alkaloid, is Mengkudus physiologically active ingredient. Though Mengkudu contains only small amounts of xeronine, it contains significant amounts of proseronine and the enzyme that release xeronine from proxeronine. These ingredients and their healthful benefits explain Mengkudus increasing popularity in the United States of America. According to various studies,the Mengkudu fruit is rich with the alkaloid. The body produces xeronine in order to activate enzymes so that it can function properly and alkoloid is influential in energising the body.
Evidence is beginning to suggest the validity of certain claims made about Mengkudus healthful effects. From sources believed to be totally reliable, it was reported that Mengkudu users have detected amazing results over the years. It is said to be effective as a cure for high blood pressure, menstrual cramps, arthritis,gastric ulcer, sprains, injuries, mental depression, senility, poor digestion,arteriosclerosis, blood vessel problems, drug addiction, relief of pain and manyothers.In addition, Mengkudu is natural antiseptic and has a noted analgesic effect. Experimentation has shown that an extract of Mengkudu root may offer pain relief,increase white blood cell count and stimulate the endocrine system. The roots may also have sedative and anti-congestive properties. Mengkudu fruit is linked with the function of immune system. In study after study, researchers have discovered scientifically what the traditional Polynesian healers have always known. Studiesshow Mengkudu potential to stimulate the immune system, inhibit the growth of tumours, regulate proper cell function and regenerate damaged cells. It is truly rare to find a pure product so comprehensive in its benefits and so rich in scientific validation.
1 comment:
Have you tried Proleva? It contains the antioxidant equivalent of 5 glasses of red wine.
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